A Brief Encounter - Henry Kissinger
His voice was unmistakable. I can hear him now. We were living in Suffield, CT and out for a family drive - one clear but absolutely frigid Sunday afternoon. (It was an opportunity for our son with a learners permit to get some time behind the wheel.) A lot of memories were made that day, not the least of which involved hearing “that voice” in a cozy pizza parlor in Kent, Connecticut. Henry and Nancy Kissinger were attending a baby shower for one of his staff. We were seated in a booth just outside of the glass partitioned room decorated in baby shower bling. As the Kissingers finished saying their goodbyes and making their way toward the exit I went over to he and Nancy and introduced myself and stated it was a great honor to meet - he who had been through so much and done so much for our Country. I told him I had memories of my parents’ discussions and admiration of him. He was not hurried. His eyes sparkled behind those dark horn-rimmed glasses. He thanked me for speaking with him and asked to come over and meet my family … He stood by our table ten minutes or more - generously engaging in conversation with my son, daughter and husband. Then he graciously left with Nancy. On that day back in 2000 as well as today as I read of his life and passing, I’m glad to have met the man with “the voice” whose passion, wisdom and diplomacy made the world a safer place. RIP Mr. Kissinger. Nancy and family … may the prayers of our Nation lessen your heartache at this difficult time.
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